Fellow APAGR Member:
The process of listening promotes participation in a conversation to foster better relationships. With that in mind, we would like to invite you to join us for one or more of our planned listening sessions in the coming year. These sessions are designed to provide members with a convenient way to share ideas, concerns, or to just get to know your APAGR board members, representatives, and colleagues better. We will conduct these sessions at different locations and times in hopes of accommodating as many members as possible. For those who are not yet comfortable meeting in-person, we also have a virtual option. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the schedule below. If you have any questions, please send an email to info@apagr.org.
Ken Godwin & Kelly Criner
61st District Court (9 am-11 am)
Jeff McCaul & Michelle Slykhouse
201 Market Conf Rm 240 (9 am-11 am)
Eric Jordan & Max Giles
1300 Market Ave Conf Rm Admin Building (6:30 am-8:30 am)
Amber Schrier & Jennifer Kasper
1900 Oak Industrial Dr. Conf Rm 103 (10 am-12 pm)
Chad Reul & Laura Claypool
1120 Monroe Conf Rm 303 (10 am-12 pm)
Darrell Singleton & Breese Stam (8 am-10 am)
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 211 193 563 081
Passcode: FaCJmz
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+1 616-258-6791,,275862459# United States, Grand Rapids
Phone Conference ID: 275 862 459#
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Ken Godwin & Kelly Criner
300 Monroe Conf Rm 811 (9am-11am)