Fellow APA Members,
As today is July 1st, 2022, I wanted to provide another update on our bargaining with the City of Grand Rapids. While we have made progress on some areas, we have not come to an agreement in other areas. The APA’s board, bargaining team and bargaining committees put a great deal of work and thought into preparedness for bargaining with the city. Our goal was and still is to represent the best interest of our members in these challenging times. Our country, state and city have not seen this much turmoil, angst, and uncertainty in a very long time. Our members have continued to carry out their duties diligently and professionally through COVID-19, riots, weekly protests, and a high inflation rate. The bargaining team is beyond frustrated and upset with the lack of progress but will continue to bargain on your behalf after July 1st, 2022. We have been assured that certain (NOT ALL) contractual benefits will continue while we bargain in good faith. Please continue to be patient and supportive.
Remember that anything worth having in life must worked for and fought for, it will not be given.
Eric Jordan
APA Chair